Thursday, April 8, 2010

domestic bliss

The girls like to dust our house with the swiffer duster. We need to get two of these so we can cut down on the fighting. If they each have their own we should have a perfectly dust free house! The swiffer resulted in Gwyneth's first TRUE time out this evening.Annabelle was sitting at her little table playing with stickers and coloring and Gwyneth was dusting the family room. Gwyneth got a little overzealous and started knocking things off the tables (the IPOD station, plants, phones, etc) and waving the swiffer around over her head. Disasater seemed just moments away so I took the swiffer away and put it the closet. Miss Gwyneth was ticked. She gave me a good stare down and then proceeded to walk over and wipe all the stickers, colors, and paper off Annabelle's table. Annabelle was shocked (and then of course burst in to tears) and Gwyneth strutted away with such pride that if she couldn't get even with me she was definitely going to make Annabelle pay for it. I was shocked because Miss Gwyneth is my mellow natured child. I had to put her in time out, but she couldn't have cared less. She sat in time out with a big ol' smile on her face. Oh my, we are approaching our 2nd round of the two's...... 

Gwyneth dusting Annabelle's dancing feet

Very proud of her belly!
Both girls love brushing my hair. Miss Annabelle is a bit more gentle but Gwyneth checks in to make sure I'm ok.

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