Friday, February 7, 2014


I gladly signed up to run the book fair again at the girls' school this spring. I do love books and I love helping out the school. I also was able to sweet talk some of my friends and family into volunteering to help out too. It will be insanely busy over the next few days, but worth every minute.
After setting up the book fair today and hosting the teacher preview, we packed up our car, the girls, and our snow gear and headed up to the mountains. My dad and Melissa surprised us by staying through the weekend so we went up to visit them in Breckenridge.
It was cold and snowy so we added about an extra hour to our car ride. The roads were really slippery and I'm so glad B came with us and drove; I would have been a mess with the girls on my own. We arrived a bit behind schedule but we got a tour of Poppy's  new place in Breck, a nice glass of wine, B crushed Poppy in pool and Melissa is foosball, the girls claimed their new rooms and found lots of new toys, and we enjoyed some pizza. Not a bad way to spend a Friday night.
Our little Gwyneth listening to the Frozen Soundtrack the entire way up the hill:

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