The girls sat on the Dora sofa to receive the big news...
We're going to see Dora LIVE!!
(I can only imagine this is what they were thinking.)

There was absolutely no picture taking at the show - the ushers were not messing around - so I had to wait until we got in the car to snap a photo. The girls were worn out and sound asleep before we left the parking lot! The show was a hit. Annabelle has been carrying around the Dora and Boots dolls since we left & even took them in the car and to bed with her.
In the afternoon we were supposed to meet up with the Carlson family to visit the new Globeology exibit at the Wildlife Experience. Unfortunately, Baby Ben (that's what Annabelle calls him - never just Ben. Always Baby Ben) came down with croup. The poor little guy and his dad spent the previous night in the ER and he received steriods. He is doing much better but we were afraid since we leave for San Francisco on Friday we shouldn't risk getting together just in case he might still be contagious. The girls were disappointed not to see their buds as Annabelle has learned Jack's name and asks for him often. Lesson #2 for the day - don't tell the girls we're going to see their friends until the minute we walk out the door. If it doesnt' work out then Annabelle asks for them over and over again and then we spend the afternoon looking a the pictures on their blog . Thanks Jennifer for keeping up your blog! It keeps Annabelle entertained for hours but isn't quite the replacement for seeing her pal Jack.
After some good naps (both girls and B included), we met up with Sarah and Mary Ann for a quick dinner at the Spaghetti Factory. The girls were really well behaved! Gwyneth ate non-stop and Annabelle did a pretty good job with her lasagna. They were all smiles and GG was very happy to see her Godmother. Sarah brought them sweet little ducks, a book, and hair ties. She sure does know my girls!
After a long and busy weekend it was time to head home and get ready for bed. The girls crawled around for a bit and even gave each other a few smooches. Such sweet little sisters.
Giving kisses
It took a little while to get the girls settled back down after the call but they finally went to bed and were sound asleep when their little heads hit the pillows. Lots of fun, but a busy, busy day!
After some good naps (both girls and B included), we met up with Sarah and Mary Ann for a quick dinner at the Spaghetti Factory. The girls were really well behaved! Gwyneth ate non-stop and Annabelle did a pretty good job with her lasagna. They were all smiles and GG was very happy to see her Godmother. Sarah brought them sweet little ducks, a book, and hair ties. She sure does know my girls!
It was time to get the girls ready for bed when we heard the computer ring. Whoever could it be???
It's LaLa and YaYa!!
Annabelle was so excited to see them. She was laughing and dancing around!
The webcam is such a great way to keep in touch with out of town friends and family. I miss my family very much and I'm so glad my girls get to know them even though they are not here to see them everyday. As you can see Annabelle is really into the calls and GG just likes to take it all in - as long as you don't disturb her bottle time.

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