Saturday, June 6, 2009

Playing House with Chandler

The playground is complete! We have two very lucky, lucky girls. YaYa gave them a playhouse as an early birthday gift. It's adorable. My favorite part is the sweet little front porch. Both girls love the house and when GG blocked the front door Annabelle just climbed out the window! These girls are going to have an absolute blast this summer playing in the backyard. We have THE place to be for playdates!

Now that's a playground!

Chandler, Annabelle's bud from daycare, joined us for a fun play day. Chandler's family is moving so she spent the day with us so her parents could get their new house in order. She is such a sweet little girl. Annabelle and GG had so much fun playing with her.

Chandler's favorite meal is pizza so we treated the girls to a yummy lunch.
The girls had naps and then spent most of the afternoon playing house in the backyard.

Relaxing on her new front porch
GG loving her new playground
How funny are these girls with their water, goldfish and cell phones?
GG's turn to play house. She really liked to sit on the front porch. When she blocked the door, Annabelle and Chandler decided to just climb out the window!

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