After an extended stay in California with cousin, Maeva, Shmooze the bear is home! It's been a rough 2 weeks without him. Annabelle has asked for him everyday and begged for him in the car, at naptime, and at bedtime. I was so thrilled to bring him home to her tonight. Her little face just lit up when saw him, she screamed "Shmooze, Shmooze, Shmooze" and wouldnt' let him out of her sight the rest of the evening.
"It's my Shmooze!"

So happy

She could hardly believe her eyes

Lots of love for Shmooze

She slept so well now that is Shmooze is back home where he belongs.

I had to post this non-Shmooze related picture too. My goodness, how blonde is this girl? Playing outside this summer in the sun is just making her hair lighter and lighter. I can't get over it. I've always had very dark eyes and dark hair so this is definitely from her dadda!

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