I realized my patience has been growing thin these past few days. I haven't been feeling well and haven't been getting much sleep which is a bad combo. I got home from work today, made dinner, and Annabelle impressed me by eating an entire taco and two helpings of guacamole. She said "taco, please" and "gacamole" which she eats with "crackers" (aka tortilla chips). GG was an angel and although she skipped her afternoon nap she was nothing but sweet all night long. And then bath time hit....
Annabelle has turned in to a maniac in the tub. She likes to play and splash, but don't even think about washing her hair. She hates it! She will pour water over GG's head but if you come near her with the water bucket - look out! She screams!! Not sweet little 'no, momma's' but blood curdling, sounds like we're murdering her, SCREAMS! She stands up, splashes water over the side of the tub and SCREAMS! If you're bathing her, come prepared in full rain gear. Unfortunately she had played in the sandbox today so she had to get her hair washed and she let me have it. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call the police on us! When she gets going like that it freaks GG out (quite understandably!) so GG was wailing, Annabelle was SCREAMING and I was soaking wet. Lesson learned - on hair washing nights the girls bathe separately and B and I will have to play a heated game of rock, paper, scissors to see who bathes which girl! Fair warning B - I'll cheat.

After we calmed the girls down, got them in pj's and it was close to bedtime, I realized it was time for a much needed cocktail with my dear friend Consuelo. She suggested we meet at Wynkoop which is an old favorite of mine and I haven't been in years. Walking in the door brought back many many fun (and some rather painful!) memories. It was such a nice treat to get out and catch up with Consuelo. It's always a good time with her! I came home relaxed, mellow, and ready to tackle tomorrow's bath time. Getting out occassionally with my girlfriends really makes me a better mom and I know B welcomes the peace and quiet. I'm so lucky to be a momma to such beautiful, smart, and comedic girls, I have a wonderful and hilarious husband, and entertaining and supportive girlfriends. Now if I can just conquer bath time I'll conquer the world!
You TRY to look scandalized at my stories, but really LOVE every minute of it! ;-)