Annabelle was up at midnight to potty, Gwyneth was up at 1:00 and then again at 3:00 and we all snuck in a few minutes here and there until 5:00. The wind and snow were so loud and believe it or not the heavy snow pounding on the windows woke up the girls. I guess there's always a price to pay for a little snow day. That free day is never really free.
The girls begged and begged to get bundled up and go play outside. It took quite some time to turn them into "The Christmas Story" kids. Gwyneth definitely couldn't put her arms down and when she tipped over she resembles a turtle flipped on its shell. Neither of these pleases her, but it sure is funny! After all the work of bundling them up it took about 2 minutes outside for them to realize that snow is cold and wet and not all the much fun for girlie girls. Just between you and me, they're kind of sissy lala's!
Seeking shelter in their playhouse

Please note the swap in snow outfits from yesterday. Given there are only 2 lbs difference between them and they can wear the same size clothes, we had quite the brawl on who wanted to wear the pink coat and bibs. If this is any indication of the clothing disputes we have to look forward to I can tell ya, middle shool is going to be rough. (If you're reading - YaYa and Poppy, sorry for...well, pretty much my entire teen years. Stacy and I gave you a rough time fighting and stealing your clothes! You'll be pleased to know my payback has already arrived!).

Annabelle's request "Mommy, this snow is cold. Make it not cold, please". Hmmm...let momma get right on that.

Gwyneth's request "Help! I stuck". The snow was up to her knees so this was said after each and every step.

Looks like the girls didn't get the good spots in the garage. That's going to make for one rough commute this morning.
Digging her car out
You know that car on the highway that scrapes just enough of the snow off the driver side windshield to make it just dangerous enough to drive...well, take a closer look. That's my GG!

It's a winter wonderland! Wait, I seem to have lost one of the children in this mess... oh, Annabelle? or did I lose Gwyneth? I really wish they wouldn't switch coats on me!!
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