I attempted to bring up some healthy snacks for the weekend and boy, did I disappoint the crowd with my choices. I found some new snacks called
Popchips which are never baked, never fried, no preservatives, and no artificial flavorings. They are popped like popcorn but taste similar to baked chips (at least I think so). I've had the original and wanted to bring up a variety so I grabbed bbq, salt and pepper, and salt and vinegar. Not a good selection! I liked the BBQ and Consuelo liked the vinegar chips, but B and Gus didn't like any of them and the girls felt strongly that I had made an all around poor choice....
yuck, apparently vinegar chips are not for everyone!
After dinner the girls went for a quick swim in Poppy's tub and then crashed for the night.

We watched the Nuggets game and played a new game - The Last Word. We didn't follow the directions to the letter, but we got the gist of it. The game is basically this - everyone gets a subject card and we all get the same letter. The person to slap down their card with a cooresponding answer that starts with that letter kicks off the round. Everyone screams out their answers until the buzzer sounds. (Example - boys names that start with C - GO!). The last acceptable answer before the buzzer sounds gets the card. You can only imagine the answers that came flying out from this crew! We had a stupendous time. Gus, look it up - it's a word!!
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