Friday, April 30, 2010

rewalt love

It's been a while in the making, but I finally had surgery today. It was an outpatient procedure, nothing too serious, but very draining. The husband was able to take the day off to go with me and the girls spent the day at daycare. The procedure went well and I should have results in 4 - 5 days. Unfortunately the recovery is about the same amount of time. It's certainly  not easy to lay around and recooperate with two little monkeys who want to climb all over me. I'm very lucky to have a great husband and kind inlaws who are willing to pitch in and lend a helping hand.

Aunt Chriss and Jocelyn came over right after school and helped feed the girls dinner, give the girls baths, read books, and played. Aunt Chriss and B scolded me any time I tried to lift the girls, walk up the stairs or do anything too physical. They took care of everything which included exceptional care of me and the girls. I'm very, very lucky.

I was out of it from the anesthesia and extra medication so I was feeling pretty good until about 10:30 pm.  The meds started wearing off and I started feeling really lousy. I couldn't get comfortable and couldn't sleep. B had a pretty lousy night too as the Nuggets lost tonight's game ending their playoff run. He was awfully grumpy, but I still think my night was a bit worse.

The girls are engrossed in watching Aunt Chriss wash Jocelyn's hair

Jocelyn was a big help tonight. She read book after book after book to the girls.
Aunt Chriss and Gwyneth reading

The girls stamping away

Bedtime stories

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