Thursday, April 22, 2010

define irony

According to websters the definition of Irony is:

Poignantly contrary to what was expected or intended. example - madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker.

Someone at Websters must be following my blog to describe my current situation so pointedly. I got a healthy dose of irony thrown my way this week. I knew there was a big change a-comin' and I was awaiting the big announcement. My company was bought, the merger approximately a year away, and the corporate headquarters will be located in Louisiana. The question has been looming in my head for months now - move or buy another couch? The irony here is thick. (Check back to my last post - oh, irony. How you taunt me!)
Louisiana will not be our family's next adventure, but big changes are in store for us. I've been with my current company for over 9 years and all good things must come to an end. I say that with a bit of sarcasm, because I have endured many a stressful moment over the years and many of those years have not been good. I've been saying for the past 8 years "eventually someone is just going to buy us and I'll get a package". Well, it finally happened - I'm quite the visionary. Stick with me!

I know change is difficult for many people, but honestly it's not so bad for me. I don't like when things stay the same for too long. I thrive on the unknown, inconsistencies, adventure, challenges, etc. I can't wait to see how things come together over the next year - B and I have BIG plans. Stay tuned....

1 comment:

  1. yea for the unknown! "plans" are overrated! (psst. all of these coincidences are not so surprising ... what can i say: you made one heck of a forecast ... winks.)

    if you end up in la, we'll come visit!
