Tuesday, February 25, 2014


girls all dolled up for picture day at school :
I volunteered in Gwyneth's class today. I helped at picture time and got to see them do their science experiment.

Gwyneth's two bottom teeth grew in before the baby ones fell out. The baby ones have been very, very wiggly. Just hanging on. Tonight I talked her into letting me pull it. I reached in, grabbed it, and it just fell out. No tugging required. I did gag a little bit...I really don't wiggly teeth....they give me the he-bee-gee-bee's. There was a little blood, but Gwyneth handled it like a pro.
Gwyneth's daisy troop met at our house. We have been in Girl Scout overload lately. These cookies...my goodness, the cookies. We are done with sales, done with cookie booths, done, done, done. Thank you to everyone who supported our girls. We'll be eating Thin Mints 'til Christmas!
Tonight we did some cupcake baking and played games. There was so much laughing. I adore these girls and tonight was another great meeting. It is exhausting keeping them on task, entertained, stimulated, and attempting to teach them a lesson in one hour. I feel like it takes about two weeks to plan the hour long meeting, we sweat and pant our way through, and then I'm worn out afterwards. It's good for my soul and I'll keep it up as long as Gwyneth enjoys it.

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