Sunday, February 23, 2014

movie night

We had a super lazy day which is rare and wonderful. We went to the grocery store which we also realized we never ever do as a family or even with the girls. They seemed like country bumpkins heading in to the big city. Bright lights and there are even big ol' refrigerators that keep milk cold and big ol' freezers for the ice cream. Well, I'll be! Something tells me we need to let these children out a bit more....
B whipped together this little snack for us for movie night. Yum, yum, yum....
I think we liked it....
Then we settled in for a movie night. We watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. It sounds like it was really funny. Or so I was told. I fell asleep about 15 minutes into the show. Best movie night ever!
lazy, lazy day
Annabelle is really exploring her fashion sense these days. Oh my!

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