We received the dreaded call from daycare....Miss Gwyneth was not feeling well. All but 2 of the babies in her class were vomitting. B picked her up right away and we spent the rest of the night snuggling with our sweet-but-oh-so-sick little girl. Even Annabelle felt sorry for her little sister and brought her toys and stuffed animals. Gwyneth couldn't keep any solid foods or formula down so we just tried to keep her hydrated with pedialite (which mostly came up too!). Poor girl!
Although she was sick as can be she still wanted to crawl around and play. She was in pretty good spirits and still full of smiles. She went through a couple pairs of pj's and a couple scrub downs/baths and was ready for a good night of sleep. We checked on her many many times, but to our surprise she slept peacefully through the night. Keep your fingers crossed for us that the rest of the family doesn't come down with the same bug and it passes quickly for her.
After dinner we let Annabelle indulge in a little tv time. She now requests "Wipeout" by name! She seems genuinely concerned when the contestants are getting ready to run across the obstacle course. "Uh oh"

But like her mom, she laughs and claps when they fall!

We don't let Annabelle watch a lot of tv but we have started to DVR "Wipeout" so if she's good and eats all her dinner she can watch a little before bed. I guess some little kids watch Elmo & Dora, ours watches Wipeout! Hmmmm.....
I watched Wipeout for the first time this week thanks to Maddie & Bradley...they love it too!