Friday, July 3, 2009

Mountain Top Children's Museum

We spent the morning at the Children's Museum in Breckenridge. It was a bit crowded because the weather was crummy and there was also a birthday party. It was nice to get the girls out for a bit.
Annabelle loved this helicopter and could have stayed in there all day.
There was a special room for crawlers/early walkers and GG made herself right at home.

Once Annabelle saw GG settled in to the baby room, she had to join her and play with all the toys first. We spent the majority of our time in this room and the girls really liked it.

After the museum, we had lunch at Breckenridge Brewery. Apparently the girls were starving because they plowed through their fruit and yogurt plate. I'm a huge fan of the brewery so I'm glad the girls eat well there. Melissa & I took the girls back to the condo where they took a 3 hour nap!! We worked on finishing up Gwyneth's 1st birthday party invitations. After they woke up we head to Target & the Carter's outlet. Gwyneth received a walker, Annabelle got new babies, and they both got new pj's. If you're wondering where Poppy & B were for these adventures you get just one guess....GOLFING! They played the Breckenridge course and made it through 18 even with a little rain. We all met up for dinner at Tadeo's which is delicious Italian food. The girls shared a bowl of spaghetti and ate almost the entire serving. It was a very full day!

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